Daily Report
July 19th, 2016
Posted 8 years agoNot many boats chose to fish today, but from those that did, it was a great day!
The ‘My Cin’ caught 3 Bluefin, fishing alongside the ‘Fish Tricks’ who had 1 Bluefin tuna. And for the highlight of our evening, the ‘Marli’ returned with a mind blowing 18 Yellowfin and 1 Bluefin! The Masseys Canyon appeared to be the hotspot today, so grab your rods and get out there!
July 18th, 2016
Posted 8 years agoToday, fishing was certainly hot!
The ‘Marli’ fished the Masseys Canyon, returning with 3 Yellowfin and 3 Bluefin. The ‘Billfisher’ crew returned with a whopping 8 White Marlin releases and 1 Blue Marlin release from the Norfolk! Bringing in an astounding 25 Dolphin was the ‘Sea Hag’, who fished the Poore Man’s.
July 17, 2016
Posted 8 years agoWrapping up the weekend we continue to see good catches of yellowfin and Bluefin more inshore on the chunk and then dolphin out in the canyons! The tuna still seem to be hanging around the Massey’s where “Boss Hogg” put 3 yellowfin and 3 Bluefin in the box! “White Lighting” also had a great day on the chunk catching 8 yellowfin. “No Quarter” was also on the action hitting the docks with 4 yellowfin and 2 Bluefin! If you are looking for dolphin it looks like the Poorman’s is the hot spot where “C-Boys” filled the box with 25 dolphin and 1 yellowfin. “Griffin” had some happy anglers catching 15 dolphin out there as well. “Tighten Up” went a little further to the Washington where they picked up 10 dolphin. Marlin fishing down in the Norfolk was fantastic again today where the “Max Bet” racked up 3 white marlin releases and 2 sailfish releases! “Reel Toy” was high hook returning with 5 white marlin releases and a blue marlin release!
Today was also Day 2 of the Ocean City Marlin Clubs Kids Classic and as we speak they are hosting the awards ceremony over at the Marlin Club. We want to again thank the Ocean City Marlin Club and Wish-A-Fish Foundation for making a lot of kids happy this weekend!
July 16, 2016
Posted 8 years agoIt was all smiles for the kids fishing Day 1 of the Ocean City Marlin Clubs Kids Classic! Day 2 is tomorrow with weigh ins here at the marina between 3pm-6pm so we expect to see some more happy anglers! We saw a mix of everything from spot and sea bass to big yellowfin tuna! This is such a great tournament to get kids involved into fishing and a huge thank you to the Ocean City Marlin Club and all the fishing boats out of Ocean City for making it all happen!
Our boats fished all over the place today with all of them having success! In the Baltimore the “Espadon” caught 4 dolphin with “Reel Fantasy” bringing home 10 dolphin and had a white marlin release!. In the Poorman’s the “Griffin” got into some mahi as well putting 18 in the box! “Fish Tricks” chunked in the Massey’s and put 2 yellowfin and 2 Bluefin in the box! “Zipper” fished the Lumpy Bottom and was rewarded with a nice yellowfin and 5 dolphin. In the Washington “Marli” picked up 1 yellowfin and 1 dolphin and the “C-Boys” put a nice yellowfin in the box, “White Lighting” picked up 2 yellowfin and 1 dolphin and the “Buckshot” caught 8 dolphin and a mix of sea bass and tilefish in the Rockpile. Heading down to the Norfolk for marlin fishing was the “Tighten Up” releasing 2 white marlins. “Billfisher” had a rigger full releasing 5 white marlin and a sailfish! Lots of great fishing all around so make sure you get on the action by calling the marina office today at 410-213-9600 to book your next offshore adventure!
July 15, 2016
Posted 8 years agoThere was one word to describe today and that would be HOT!! The report from the guys offshore was that it wasn’t much better out on the water but that didn’t stop them from having a great day! We saw a mix of yellowfins, bluefins, mahi, and marlins! The Massey’s seemed to be jammed packed with boats chunking but it didn’t stop the “Marli” from returning with 3 nice size yellowfins. “Boss Hogg” was also fishing with the fleet and came back with 5 yellowfins. “Reel Chaos” branched out to the Baltimore and picked up 20 mahi mahi for dinner! Out marlin fishing in the Norfolk was the “Billfisher” releasing 1 white marlin and 1 blue marlin. The Sea Slammer was out there as well releasing 2 white marlin, 2 sailfish and bringing home 6 dolphin!
Tomorrow starts the Ocean City Marlin Clubs Kids Classic with weigh ins here at the marina between 3pm-6pm both Saturday and Sunday. This is a great event to get kids in the spirit of fishing and to benefit the Make A Wish Foundation! Make sure you stop on by to see all the action and the big smiles with some happy anglers!
July 14, 2016
Posted 8 years agoThe fish were munching so good on the chunk this morning that we had 2 boats back before 11am! “Osprey” went to the Hotdog and got into a mix of 1 Bluefin, 15 yellowfin and a blue marlin release! “My Cin” went to the Massey’s and brought home 9 yellowfin, 1 Bluefin and 2 dolphin. Down in the Washington the “Marli” brought home 7 yellowfin and 3 dolphin with the “Boss Hogg” hitting the docks with 3 yellowfin and 1 dolphin. “C-Boys” with Capt. Luke Blume had a terrific day hooking up and bringing home 18 nice size yellowfins!
It looks like the chunk bite has took a turn in the right direction and flats of butterfish are flying out the door so make sure you stop into Sunset Provisions or Atlantic Tackle for all your bait and tackle needs!
July 13, 2016
Posted 8 years agoIt was a weird weather day here at the docks with us having the regular charters go out to the canyons. Our boats have converted to both trolling and chunking and it seems you have to be at the right spot at the right time to really get on the fish. However, tuna fishing is still decent enough that you can still bring home some meat home for the freezer! Just ask the crew of the “White Lightning” who went to the Masseys and caught 1 Bluefin and then ran out to the Poormans and picked up 6 yellowfin! Fishing in the Washington was the “Marli” who brought home 3 yellowfin to the dock while the “Buckshot” caught 2 yellowfin and threw back over 20 undersized fish. The dolphin fishing from points down south seems to be picking up along with marlin fishing with us seeing two private boats one with 2 and the other with 3 releases!
Summer is flying by so don’t miss a chance to catch a fish of a lifetime! Call the marina office at 410-213-9600 or visit our charter directory on our website for more information on our fleet!
July 11th, 2016
Posted 8 years agoWith the Tuna Tournament behind us, several boats decided to stay in and rest after an eventful weekend. However, a handful of boats fished and returned with some surprising catches!
The Griffin fished the Washington and returned with 5 Dolphin and 1 Yelllowfin Tuna. The ‘Rhonda’s Osprey’ fished the Parking Lot where they caught 2 Bluefin, one of which they released, 2 Yellowfin, and 4 Dolphin. The ‘Tighten Up’ also fished here, returning with 5 Yellowfin and 1 Dolphin. Also in the Parking Lot was the ‘Marli’ who brought 7 Yellowfin, 4 Seabass, and 1 Dolphin to the docks.
Fishing the Lumpy Bottom was the ‘Reel Chaos’ and the ‘Boss Hogg’, the ‘Reel Chaos’ crew caught 3 Yellowfin and the “Hogg” crew caught a whopping 20 Tilefish, 35 Seabass, 3 Yellowfin, and 1 Bluefin!
July 10, 2016
Posted 8 years agoWith the last day of the Ocean City Tuna Tournament under wraps, everyone was out looking for the big one! There were some changes on the leaderboard but the full results can be seen later on this evening by visiting their website at www.octunatournament.com
With the tournament over the tuna fishermen will probably switch over to chunking and the few boats that have done it so far has had great success. Marlin fishing will steadily improve as the boats have seen a good amount over the weekend so fishing will still be very successful! Now is the time to get tuna, marlin, and mahi so make sure you call the marina office at 410-213-9600 or visit our charter page to see our fleet!
July 9, 2016
Posted 9 years agoIt was another busy day here on the docks with lots of tuna and mahi coming back! Day 2 of the Ocean City Tuna Tournament has concluded so make sure you check out the results at http://www.octunatournament.com/
The final day of the tournament is tomorrow with all weigh-ins at the Ocean City Fishing Center. Day 3 has always been know to shake up the standings so make sure you swing by and check them out!
July 8, 2016
Posted 9 years agoWith Day 1 in the books for the Ocean City Tuna Tournament, the scales were action packed with stringers weights and a couple big fish were weighed! Day 1 tournament results can be found on the Tuna Tournament website at http://www.octunatournament.com/
Here are the reports we got from our charter boats today. “My Cin” caught 1 Bluefin and 2 yellowfin in the Massey’s, The following boats fished in the Parking Lot, “Osprey” caught 2 Bluefin, 1 yellowfin and 1 dolphin, “Marli” caught 1 Bluefin and 1 dolphin, “Reel Chaos” caught 2 Bluefin and 1 dolphin. In the Lumpy Bottom “C-Boys” caught 3 dolphin and 1 yellowfin. “Fin Razr” fished in the Poorman’s and brought home 13 dolphin for fish tacos. “Fish Tricks” fished everywhere today and it worked out for them filling the box with 1 bigeye, 1 wahoo, 1 mako, and 12 dolphin!
It looks like the fleet is going to split there second fishing day up between tomorrow and Sunday so the scales should be action packed both days! Make sure you stop in at the Ocean City Fishing Center to see all the Weigh-Ins live!
July 7, 2016
Posted 9 years agoWith day one of the Ocean City Tuna Tournament starting tomorrow the docks were busy with ice orders, fueling and rigging up with anticipation of catching the big one! We had a couple boats running out for normal charters today and it seems like the Bluefin bite is picking up along with finding some nice yellowfins! The “My Cin” stayed inshore to the Jackspot and caught a mix of bluefish & bonitas along with releasing a 250lb Tiger Shark. “C-Boys” picked up 2 Bluefin, 1 yellowfin, 1 dolphin and a cobia in the Parking Lot. “Buckshot” picked up there limit of Bluefin’s then ran out to the Poormans and caught 2 yellowfins! The “Zipper” had a terrific day catching 3 yellowfin, a mako shark, 2 dolphin, 1 White Marlin and 1 Blue Marlin release in the Hambone! In the Hot Dog the “Pumpin Hard” also picked up 2 Bluefin, 1 yellowfin and 3 dolphin. The “Boss Hogg” ventured to the Lumpy Bottom and returned with 1 Bluefin, 3 yellowfin and a boat load of Sea Bass and Blueline Tilefish. “Marli” was right behind them and had a great charter day returning with their limit of 3 Bluefin, 7 yellowfin and 2 dolphin!
Weigh-Ins for the Ocean City Tuna Tournament begin tomorrow at 4pm with stringers being able to be weighed in at Sunset Marina on Friday and Saturday only. This tournament always seems to bring a lot of action to the docks so make sure you stop by the Ocean City Fishing Center to grab a drink and watch the weigh-ins live! Good Luck to all the participants this weekend and tight lines!