Daily Report
September 20, 2015
Posted 9 years agoWow what a difference a day makes! After having a crazy busy weekend on the docks with close to 80 boats fishing out of here both Friday and Saturday, today the winds came and we had only one boat brave the seas! The “Marli” went out to the Washington today and had a great day catching 14 yellowfin tuna and also released a white marlin! We also want to thank the Cape May boats for visiting us for another successful Challenge Cup and Congrats on the Win!! Next year is Ocean City’s year!! With the winds expected to continue for the next few days we expect it to be quiet on the docks. Now is the best time to book your next trip as our captains have a few days off to work on their books! Call the marina office to inquire about booking any of our charter boats at 410-213-9600!
September 17, 2015
Posted 9 years agoIt was a busy day around the marina as we had a number of boats come down from Cape May who are fishing this weekend’s Challenge Cup! The tournament is the Cape May Marlin Club vs. The Ocean City Marlin Club so come on team OC! The boats are taking advantage of the beautiful weather this weekend and the report we got today was not to shabby. Coming back from a overnight trip in the Washington was the “Espadon” who released 2 white marlin, 2 blue marlin and caught 2 yellowfin and 12 dolphin! We had a strange sighting on the dock as the “No Quarter” wacked some yellowfin’s in the Baltimore bringing home 20 in the box and over 800lbs of meat! Hopefully they stick around and our charters can have success on the late run of tuna! “FinRazr” had a good day in the Washington was well catching 9 dolphin. There is still plenty of good fishing to be had with not many boats going out so call the marina office today at 410-213-9600 to book your trip!
September 11, 2015
Posted 9 years agoIt looks like the weather is going to kick up the next couple of days so we had a couple boats venture out and return with some great days! “Espadon” released 2 white marlin and caught 5 dolphin in the Baltimore, “Marli” got into a good school of dolphin returning with 40 in the box while fishing in the Baltimore. “My Cin” released 1 white marlin and caught a bunch of dolphin in the Poormans.
September 7, 2015
Posted 9 years agoAfter blowing Northeast all weekend keeping the boats at bay, anglers were itching to get back out there! A good piece of water moved down from the north into the Baltimore where the following boats fished today. “Reel Joy” released 3 white marlin, “DA Sea” released 2 white marlin, “Billfisher” released 3 white marlin, “Buckshot” released 1 white marlin and 1 blue marlin and caught 15 dolphin, “Poore Sport” released 4 white marlin and caught 3 dolphin, “Reel Chaos” released 5 white marlin and 15 dolphin, “Wigg One” released 1 white marlin and caught 24 dolphin, “Pumpin Hard” released 3 white marlin and 1 spearfish, “Grande Pez” released 2 white marlin and the “Boss Hogg” released a sailfish and caught 35 dolphin! The Captains reported that there was plenty of grass to pick dolphins off of along with having some decent marlin fishing as you can see so call the marina office at 410-213-9600 today to book your trip!
September 4, 2015
Posted 9 years agoThe marlin bite slowed down dramatically today as it looks like to see any action you had to go south…way south! This didn’t stop the “Billfisher” who returned from the Norfolk with 8 white marlin releases and 1 blue marlin release. “DA Sea” also had an incredible day down there as well releasing 13 white marlins! Our regular charter boats had some great days as well coming home with some fish in the box! “Osprey” returned from an overnighter in the Washington with a 181lb & 196lb bigeye along with a white marlin release! “White Lightning” fished the Poormans and came home with 49 dolphin, “Boss Hogg” deep dropped in the Rockpile and came home with plenty of Sea Bass, Tilefish and dolphin!
It looks like the weather is going to pick up over the next couple days keeping boats at the dock but there is still some good fishing to be had this month so call the marina office today at 410-213-9600 to book your trip today!
September 2, 2015
Posted 9 years agoAnother beautifully flat calm day out on the ocean was the report from our boats today! Many flags are flying as you walk down the dock this evening too as the boats returned from successful overnight and day trips. The “Osprey” returned from the Baltimore today and had 3 white releases and 5 dolphin. The “Marli” had a great day at the Rockpile bringing 42 dolphin back to the dock and releasing 3 white marlin. The “Fin Razr” came home from the Poormans Canyon with a white marlin release and 10 dolphin. The Washington Canyon was the popular spot today for all of our other boats! Returning from Overnight trips we had the “DA Sea” with 6 white releases and a blue marlin release, The “Irish Ayes” with 8 white releases, and the “Makara” with 6 white releases. Day fishing in the Washington Canyon today we had the “Max Bet” with 5 white releases and the “Absolute Pleasure” with 10 white marlin releases!!! September always proves to be some of the best white marlin fishing so don’t hesitate to call the marina office at 410-213-9600 to book your next charter!!
September 1, 2015
Posted 9 years agoMahi’s and Marlins are still in the mix as the boats continued to have great success with both! “G-Force” came back from an overnighter in the Washington with a bigeye and 34 dolphin, “Marli” fished the Poormans and returned after releasing 1 white marlin and catching 40 dolphin, “White Lightning” was right there with them catching 1 white marlin and 57 dolphin! “Reel Fantasy” fished a little south of the Poormans and released 3 white marlins, while the “Espadon” released 4 white marlin! “Max Bet” also was in between the Poormans and Washington and released 6 white marlin!
We have a handful of boats taking advantage of the beautiful weather overnight so stay tuned for tomorrow’s report as we should see high number of releases along with meat fish!
August 31, 2015
Posted 9 years agoAs we say goodbye to August, it looks like September is going to bless us with some more great marlin fishing! Most of the boats are seeing upwards of 10+ marlins a day so now is the time to go! “Osprey” fished the Poormans and had a stellar day of 6 white marlin and 1 spearfish release! “Poore Sport” ended up with 1 white marlin release and caught 3 dolphin, “Boss Hogg” released 2 white marlin and came home with 59 dolphin in the box! The “Marli” was right behind them releasing 2 white marlin and catching 50 dolphin! In the Washington the “Billfisher” continued a good streak releasing 6 white marlin, “Makara” had a great day releasing 4 white marlin and “Pumpin Hard” released 3 white marlin and 1 blue marlin!
August 30, 2015
Posted 9 years agoNo surprise that white marlin were the target today as the fantastic fishing continues! All of the following boats fished the Washington Canyon today, “No Quarter” released 3 white marlin, “Osprey” released 2 white marlin and caught 6 dolphin, “Marli” released 4 white marlin and caught 6 dolphin, “Reel Chaos” released 4 white marlin and caught 3 dolphin, “My Cin” released 3 white marlin. The “Boss Hogg” was surprised with a 288lb swordfish while deep dropping which was on the dinner menu for a big mako shark as well as it came to the dock with some nice chunks missing! They also released 2 white marlin on their trip, “Grande Pez” released 5 white marlin, “Brenda Lou” released 1 white marlin, “Billfisher” released 8 white marlin, and finally the “Espadon” released 4 white marlin along with catching 6 dolphin! As it looks like the weather is going to continue to be good for the week we shouldn’t be surprised to see flags flying and a lot of them!
August 29, 2015
Posted 9 years agoLooks like the height of the marlin season is right around the corner with boats flying rigger fulls! In the Baltimore the “Osprey” had a happy charter releasing 6 white marlin and catching 18 dolphin! The following boats fished in the Poormans and had great days, “Zipper” returned from an overnighter with 3 white marlin and caught 10 dolphin, “Reel Chaos” released 3 white marlin and caught 38 dolphin! “White Lighting” released 2 white marlin and caught 2 dolphin. In the Washington is where the best action occurred where the following boats fished, “Espadon” released 7 white marlin, “Billfisher” and “Reel Joy” both released 10 white marlin! “Par Five” released 5 white marlin, “Poore Sport” released 7 white marlin and the “My Cin” released 5 white marlin!
If you are looking to catch your first white marlin in the White Marlin Capitol of the World this is the time to book so call the marina office today at 410-213-9600!
August 28, 2015
Posted 9 years agoMahi’s and Marlins continued to dominate the docks again today as the fleet returned from the canyons! Coming in from an overnighter was the “Cookie Monster” who wasn’t able to snag a bigeye but did release 1 spearfish and 2 white marlin in the Baltimore, “Reel Chaos” had a happy charter also fishing in the Baltimore returning with 12 dolphin and releasing 2 white marlin! The “Fast Break” found some tunas catching 3 yellowfin and 1 mahi in the Baltimore. The “Billfisher” and “Reel Joy” both released 4 white marlin while the “Marli” caught 2 white marlin and had a box full of 22 dolphin in the Poormans! Fishing is steady right now and the marlin bite should only get better with time so now is the time to get out there and catch your first marlin! Call the marina office today to book with one of our premier charter boats!
August 27, 2015
Posted 9 years agoWow another exciting day here at the docks as our boats returned from fishing! We saw both white and blue marlin flags flying but the ice boxes were also filled with dolphin! Fishing in the Baltimore the “Osprey” had 9 dolphin and 4 white marlin releases. Also in the Baltimore the “Max Bet” had 4 white marlin releases while the “Pumpin Hard” returned with 2 blue marlin releases and 2 white marlin releases. The “Espadon” went to the Baltimore as well and had 12 dolphin while the “Marli” went fishing between the Baltimore canyon and the Poormans Canyon and returned with 52 dolphin and a white marlin release. The Poormans was also a hot spot today with the “Blood Money” catching 3 dolphin and releasing 2 whites while the “Brenda Lou” had 4 white releases! Even though there are no tournaments this weekend nothing should stop you from getting your crew together and getting out there on the ocean! Call the marina office today at 410-213-9600 to book your charter!