Daily Report
June 8, 2015
Posted 9 years agoBoss Hogg returned from the Washington with a beautiful 149lb Big-Eye Tuna! They also had another solid yellowfin. Rhonda’s Osprey also returned from the Washington with 2 yellowfin, while releasing 5. Marli also returned with two dolphin from the Washington.
The Baltimore
Posted 9 years agoThe Baltimore is the hot spot today- bringing several tuna to the docks.
The ‘Over Billin” returned with 4 Yellowfin and a 190 lb Big Eye. Both the ‘Osprey’ and the ‘Odinspear’ returned with 7 Yellowfin. ‘Absolute Pleasure’ returned with 7 Yellowfin and Dolphin. 5 Yellowfin were brought to the docks both by the ‘Reel Toy’ and the ‘Grande Pez’. The ‘Marli’ returned with 3 Yellowfin.
Grab your fishing gear
Posted 9 years agoThe bite is on! Brian Porter and his crew on the “Boss Hogg” fished the Baltimore today, returning with 12 Yellowfins and 1 Bluefin.