Daily Report
July 23, 2022
Posted 3 years agoIt was a good day at the marina and we saw a lot of traffic. The the pools were very busy as our patrons saught refuge from the sweltering heat. The summer heat did not keep the fleet from heading out offshore in search of the bite today. We had several boats go out today and return with some nice catches. The first back to the dock was the Hydrosphere returning with 3 nice yellowfin and they reported to be fishing in the Baltimore. Next back to the dock was the crew on the Natural also returning from the Baltimore with 3 yellowfin. The crew on the Opportunity out of Fisherman’s marina were in the Poorman’s canyon and returned with 3 yellowfin. The team on the Fish On went to the Norfolk Canyon today and returned with 4 yellowfin. Finally we had the guys on the Big Stick return from the Norfolk as well with 9 yellowfin tuna.
July 20, 2022
Posted 3 years agoToday we had a good number of boats go out and search for the elusive Yellowfin tuna. The Marli returned to the dock catching one Yellowfin on the day. Boss Hogg followed suit and caught 2 Yellowfin. Pumpin’ Hard then returned to the dock with 3 Yellowfins. C Boys had a good day and caught 5 Yellowfin. The Double J also returned to the dock with 5 Yellowfin. Roll Groove caught 1 Yellowfin. Fish On returned to the dock with 3 Yellowfins. These 7 boats were all fishing in the Washington Canyon. We had 2 boats fishing in different areas. The New Release went out and caught 1 Yellowfin, 1 Mahi, and 1 Barracuda in the Twin Wrecks. The Moore Bills caught 5 Yellowfin in the Hambone. Today was a day the charters fought hard to find tuna, and they succeeded.
July 17, 2022
Posted 3 years agoIt was more of a relaxed day today at Sunset giving it that lazy Sunday feel. We did have a few boats go out today as well as some that were out wrapping up the final day of the Kids Classic. The crew of the C-Boys went to the Poorman’s today and returned with 4 yellowfin tuna. The Slaughterhouse reported from the Washington Canyon and they also had 4 yellowfin. Finally we had the crew of the Sandbob return from the Washington and they had a blue marlin release.
July 16, 2022
Posted 3 years agoWe had many boats venture out today in search of the fish! The docks were buzzing with activity and the scales were a constant traffic jam as many boats in the Kids Classic came in to weigh their catches. Congrats to all who participated in todays weigh-ins. Our first boat back to the dock was the crew on the New Release returning from the Washington Canyon with 1 yellowfin and a dolphin. Fishing alongside them was the crew of the Bar South returning with 6 yellowfin and 4 white marlin releases. The rest of the boats reported to be fishing in the Poorman’s today. The Tenacious returned with 4 yellowfin in the box while the Marli had 2 yellowfin and a dolphin. The guys on the Primary Search returned with 2 yellowfin and 4 dolphin. Some of the boats have decided to take advantage of the weather and stay out overnight. Hopefully they come back with some exciting catches!
July 15, 2022
Posted 3 years agoIt was steady busy here at the docks today with transients, fueling, and ice deliveries making it feel more like summer! We did have a lot of boats that went out today and they were successful in finding the fish. First back to the dock was the crew of the Marli returning from the Poorman’s Canyon with 6 nice yellowfin and a dolphin. The other boats in our report this evening found the big eye bite in the Washington Canyon. The crew on the C-boys caught 4 yellowfin, 1 mahi, and a 188 lb Big Eye Tuna. The team on the Moore Bills also caugh a Big Eye today weighing in at 193 lbs. Its is looking like tomorrow will be another busy Saturday fishing day for July! Many boats are planning to fish the 18th annual Kids Classic tournament so be sure to stop by the scales between 3:00 and 6:30 to see what the little ones bring in!!
July 14, 2022
Posted 3 years agoIt was another hot and humid day today and the busiest spot at the marina was the pools. We did have a few boats that went out today and all of them reported to be fishing in the Poorman’s Canyon today. The Marli came back with 3 yellowfin. The crew on the Boss Hogg had 2 yellowfin and finally we had the Southern Seas returning with 1 yellowfin and a white marlin release. Looks like we do have a boat or two that decided to fish overnight tonight as well. The ice orders tonight are a good indication that tomorrow we should have a fair amount of boats heading offshore so stay tuned!
July 13, 2022
Posted 3 years agoIt was hot and humid today but that did not stop the fleet from venturing out offshore. First back to the dock was the Oprey returning from the Poorman’s with 3 yellowfin. Next we had the team of the Reel Joy fishing in the Washington and returning with a 188 lb big eye tuna. Also fishing in the Washington was the Boss Hogg who returned with 2 yellowfin and a mahi. The crew on the Trailer Trash headed to the Baltimore Canyon today and returned with 1 yellowfin, 12 blue line tile, and they also released a white marlin. Finally the boys on the Moore Bills fished in the Massey’s today and they returned with 5 yellowfin tuna. Looks like we have a few more boats heading out tomorrow so we will keep you posted on how they make out!!
July 11, 2022
Posted 3 years agoWe only had a few boats head out today as many are recovering from such an exciting record breaking weekend for the Ocean City Tuna Tournament. Congrats to all the winners and participants for making this event such a huge success! The crew of the Marli headed out to the Baltimore today and returned with 5 yellowfin. The guys on the New Release went to the 20 fathom fingers and came back with 1 mahi, 1 yellowfin, and a white release. Finally the team of the Pumpin Hard returned from the Poorman’s with 3 yellowfin, 1 mahi, and a white release.
July 7, 2022
Posted 3 years agoThe excitement was in the air today as many boats spent the day prepping for the 35th annual Ocean City Tuna Tournament. You could feel the switch as we move further into the height of the tournament fishing season. The day was spent fueling, constantly running trash, and of course delivering ice. Every ice chest we have is just about empty at this point of the evening, a clear sign of a busy fishing day tomorrow! Registration was a great success with 109 boats entering the tournament and a payout of $1,122,530! Be sure and visit http://www.octunatournament.com for more details and live streaming of the weigh-ins. We did have a few boats that fished today. The Bar South headed to the Poor Man’s canyon and came back with 2 yellowfin and 1 white release. The Marli fished in the Baltimore and had 3 yellowfin and 30 tile fish.
July 6, 2022
Posted 3 years agoIt was a scorcher out there today, and the tuna bite was just as hot! We had a few boats out fishing today and they returned with some nice catches. First was “Boss Hogg” returning with 4 yellowfin out of the Washington Canyon. The “Big Stick” returned with 4 yellowfin, a very impressive 216lb big eye and a white release, fishing in the Poor Mans Canyon. The “Marli” returned with 3 yellowfin, fishing in the Washington Canyon as well. The tuna bite is heating up just in time for the 35th Annual Tuna Tournament this weekend! Don’t forget registration is TOMORROW July 7 from 3pm-7pm at the Ocean City Fishing Center. We hope to see you there!

July 5, 2022
Posted 3 years agoThe docks were still busy here following the holiday weekend. Many people seem to be here for the week enjoying some vacation time as the foot traffic was steady throughout the day. We did have some boats head offshore returning home with some nice cathches! All of our boats today reported from the Washington Canyon. The team on the Double J returned with a nice size big eye tuna. The Boss Hogg had 3 yellowfin in the box today. The New Release had 6 yellowfin to throw on the dock while the crew on the Big Stick had 2 yellowfin. Finally we had the Marli pulling in with 11 yellowfin and a white marlin release. Looks like tomorrow will be a busy prep day as our boats start getting ready for the 35th annual Ocean City Tuna tournament. Registration starts Thursday July 7th at 3pm at the Ocean City Fishing Center. Be sure to check out http://www.octunatournament.com for more information on tournament entry and rules!
July 3, 2022
Posted 3 years agoThe cloudy start to the day turned into a beautiful evening here at the docks. Many people were out and about enjoying their holiday weekend both at the Restaurant, in the ship stores and on the docks as well. The weather forecast today allowed for the boats to head out once again to see what they could find. All of our boats fishing today went to the Washington Canyon. The common catch of the day was 6 yellowfin tuna with the crews of the Osprey, Hydrosphere, and Boss Hogg matching catches. The Primary Search had 3 yellowfin tuna and the team on the Marli had 7 yellowfin tuna. We are looking forward to see what the 4th brings tomorrow!!