Daily Report
July 1st, 2017
Posted 8 years agoHappy July everybody! The holiday weekend is here and in full-swing, and the docks seem just as busy as the boardwalk!
The go-to fishing spot of the day was the Hot Dog- with all of our reports coming from there for today. The ‘No Quarter’ had 5 Yellowfin and 6 Dolphin. Docking right next to them is the ‘Grande Pez’, who had 3 Yellowfin. The ‘Blood Money’ crew was kept busy today, returning with 13 Yellowfin. Finishing up D-Dock was the ‘Zipper’, who had 5 Yellowfin and 1 Dolphin.
On C-Dock, the ‘Boss Hogg’ had 6 Yellowfins, 1 Bluefin, and 2 Dolphin. Not far down was the ‘Marli’, bringing back 5 Yellowfins. Last, but certainly not least, is the ‘Theresa Jean’, who had 3 Yellowfin and 1 Bluefin.
The docks are busy-busy-busy, and the marina is filling up with both seasonal and transient slip-holders. For those boaters looking to pay us a visit, we still have some transient slips available for select sizes!
June 30th, 2017
Posted 8 years agoBusy day at the docks today- with loads of fat tuna! The Hot Dog was the fishing spot of choice for a few boats today, like the ‘Fish Tricks’, who had 3 Yellowfin and 1 Dolphin. The ‘Pumpin Hard’ had 1 Bluefin and 2 Dolphin, along with the ‘Reel Chaos’ who had 1 Yellowfin. ‘Boss Hogg’ had 1 Bluefin, 3 Yellowfin, and 2 Dolphin. The ‘Zipper’ had 2 Yellowfin and 5 Dolphin. These boats all fished the Hot Dog.
The ‘No Quarter’ fished the Muff Diver Wrecks, bringing 8 Yellowfin, 1 Bluefin, and 2 Dolphin to the docks. Fishing the Poor Mans today was the ‘White Lightning’, who had a 111 lb Bluefin and 4 Dolphin. They also released another Bluefin over 52″.
The ‘Griffin’ released a White Marlin today- and returned to the docks with 4 Yellowfin and 3 Dolphin. Talk about a nice day at the docks!

June 29, 2017
Posted 8 years agoAnother beautiful day here at Sunset Marina! There was a nice cool breeze to welcome our boats as they came back to the dock with some really nice catches! The crew of the ‘Tighten Up’ had an ice box full returning from the Baltimore with 11 yellowfin and also 2 dolphin. The ‘Grande Pez’ had an exciting day in the Hot dog returning with 14 yellowfin tuna! The crew of the ‘Bar South’ went to the Wilmington and caught 4 yellowfin tuna and 2 dolphin. The crew of the ‘White Lightning’ had 6 yellowfin and 1 dolphin and the ‘Theresa Jean’ had 4 yellowfin and 1 dolphin. Both boats were fishing the Muff Diver wreck. The rest of the fleet ventured out to the Washington canyon today. ‘Marli’ had 4 yellowfin and 3 dolphin, ‘Boss Hogg’ had 5 yellowfin and 4 dolphin and the ‘No Quarter’ hit the docks with 8 yellowfin and 1 dolphin. As you can see the outlook is good for the holiday weekend and the Marlin Club’s Canyon Kickoff Tournament! Make sure your holiday plans include a trip to the marina to see what’s happening at the docks!
June 28, 2017
Posted 8 years agoThe Washington Canyon was the place to be today for the fleet here at Sunset Marina. The ‘Marli’ had 5 yellowfin while the Reel Toy had 1 yellowfin and released another 2. The ‘Blood Money’ had 3 yellowfin and 3 dolphin and the ‘No Quarter’ caught 5 yellowfin. The holiday weekend is quickly approaching and what better way to spend it then here at Sunset Marina! Stop by, grab a drink, and watch the weigh-ins for the 35th Annual Marlin Club Canyon Kick off tournament. Weigh ins are from 5-7:30 pm next to the bandstand Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!
June 27th, 2017
Posted 8 years agoIt was an early day for Tuna at Sunset- with the ‘No Quarter’ crew returning at 11am from an overnight tuna trip in the Washington, bringing back 8 Yellowfin!
All of our other boats chose to fish the Washington today as well, like the ‘Osprey’, who returned with 1 Yellowfin, 1 Dolphin, and 1 White Release. The Marli had another successful trip, returning with 7 Yellowfin- and releasing 4 others as well as a White Marlin. Both the ‘Boss Hogg’ and the ‘Zipper’ had 5 Yellowfins.
Over the past week, we’ve seen boats fish far and wide from the Poor Mans to the Baltimore, and now, the Washington. White Marlin are becoming more popular in the water as well. The ‘No Quarter’ crew reported they saw a decent Blue Marlin on their trip- a good sight in time for the upcoming tournaments!
June 26th, 2017
Posted 8 years agoAnother awesome day at the docks! The Tuna bite continues to run wild, and the crews couldn’t be happier! The ‘G-Force’ fished the Poor Mans, returning with 4 Yellowfin and 1 Dolphin, also releasing a White Marlin.
Everyone else in our report today chose to fish the Washington, yielding some excellent catches! The ‘Grande Pez’ had 6 Yellowfin, just shy of the C-Boys who had 7 Yellowfin, 2 Dolphin, and a White Marlin release. The ‘Griffin’ had a white release as well, and returned with 5 Yellowfin. the Boss Hogg had 7 Yellowfin, and the ‘Tighten Up’ had 4 Yellowfin and 1 Dolphin. The BIG catch of the day was on the ‘Marli’, who caught a whopping 17 Yellowfin, bringing ten back the dock.
There you have it- the bite is on! Book your charter with us today and get in on the action!
June 25th, 2017
Posted 8 years agoToday was insane at the docks- with almost the entire fleet fishing for the Tuna bite! We saw plenty of happy charters to today- Yellowfin and Dolphin filled the docks. We even saw a White Marlin flag flying on the Marli.
The ‘Rhodna’s Osprey’ had 1 Yellowfin and 1 Dolphin from the Baltimore, releasing 5 additional Yellowfin. The ‘My Cin’ had 3 Yellowfin and released 6 additional. As we said earlier, the ‘Marli’ released a White Marlin, and brought back 2 Yellowfin and 1 Dolphin. ‘Boss Hog’ had 2 Yellowfin and 2 Dolphin, not far from the ‘White Lightning’, who had 1 Yellowfin and 1 Dolphin. The ‘Poor Sport’ had 4 Dolphin. The ‘Tighten Up’ had 3 Yellowfin and 1 Dolphin, the ‘Grande Pez’ had 2 Yellowfin, and ‘No Quarter returned with 1 Yellowfin. These boats chose to fish the Baltimore.
The ‘Escpadon’ mixed things up a bit, fishing the JackSpot and returning with 2 Yellowfin. The ‘Reel Chaos’ fished the Poor Mans bringing back 3 Yellowfin.
June 23rd, 2017
Posted 8 years agoRough seas didn’t hold back the crew today- and for a good reason! With the tuna bite being so good, plenty of anglers fought the rough seas to get in on the bite!
The ‘No Quarter’ fished the Poor Mans, returning with 2 Yellowfin and 1 Dolphin. They fished near the ‘Espadon’, who had 5 Yellowfin, also from the Poor Mans.
The ‘Marli’ had 5 Yellowfin and 1 Bluefin. ‘Reel Chaos’ had 2 Yellowfins, matching the catch from the ‘C-Boys’ crew. The ‘Boss Hogg’ had 1 Yellowfin and 1 Bluefin. All of these boats reported to be fishing in the Baltimore.
Straying from the group was the ‘Osprey’, who released 4 Yellowfin and 1 Bluefin, and returned with a 100 lb Bluefin!
June 22, 2017
Posted 8 years agoThe boats here at Sunset Marina got an early start to the weekend and they were rewarded generously with an awesome yellowfin bite today! There were wheelbarrows full of tuna lined up all the way into the parking lot, which is a sure sign that the season is upon us! The hot spot for the fleet today was in the Baltimore Canyon. The ‘C-Boys’ caught 14 yellowfin, the ‘Marli’ had 16 yellowfin, and the ‘White lightning’ caught 6 yellowfin and released another 13. The ‘Boss Hogg’ had 15 yellowfin tuna and also released a white marlin and the ‘No Quarter’ released 15 yellowfin and kept 1. The only boat fishing in the Poor Mans today was the ‘Osprey’ and they caught 7 yellowfin and released another 5 more. This is the perfect time of year to pick up the phone and book your next charter trip with the marina office at 410-213-9600!
June 21, 2017
Posted 8 years agoIt has been a quiet few days around the dock so it was nice to have some of our fleet venture out today! The Espadon was the only boat fishing in the Washington today and they returned with 5 yellowfin tuna. The rest of our fleet fished in the Poor Mans. The first boat back to the dock was the ‘Osprey’ and they caught 7 yellowfin and released another 4 yellowfin tuna. The Marli brought back 2 nice yellowfin and also a dolphin. The Reel Toy had an exciting day catching 9 yellowfin, 1 dolphin, and releasing a white marlin. It looks like many more will be venturing out tomorrow as the docks are still buzzing with people ordering ice and getting fuel so be sure to stayed tuned for tomorrow’s report!!
June 17th, 2017
Posted 8 years agoIf anybody said they weren’t fishing the Poor Mans today- they were lying! The Poor Man’s was full of Tuna today- resulting in great catches being brought back to the docks!
Both the ‘Siren’s Song’ and Theresa Jean returned with 2 Bluefin, and both the ‘Marli’ and ‘Pumpin Hard’ came back with 3 Yellowfin. The ‘Rhonda’s Osprey’ had 7 nice Yellowfin to bring back from their day, who is docked right next to the ‘Fish Tricks’ who had 3 Bluefin and 4 Yellowfin. The ‘Espadon’ crew had 3 Bluefin, 1 Dolphin, and 1 Big Eye. The ‘Reel Chaos’ returned with 5 Yellowfin, 3 Big Eyes, and 1 Dolphin. The ‘Tighten Up’ came in later with 3 Bluefin and 2 Yellowfin, followed by the ‘No Slack’ with 1 Yellowfin.
We also have some exciting news to mention- the first White Marlin has been released out of Ocean City! The ‘Reel Buster’ was the lucky boat to release the White worth $11,000, and best of all, they store their boat right here in Sunset Marina’s Boatel!
1 Day remains in the Small Boat Tournament, however with only 1 boat fishing tomorrow don’t expect any big changes to the leader board. The MSSA Tournament at Atlantic Tackle also continues its final day tomorrow, so there will certainly be some action continuing on the docks to finish out the weekend.
June 16th, 2017
Posted 8 years agoWe’ve got more Tuna than you can handle at the Sunset Marina docks! Today we saw more Tuna than we have seen all year- with massive numbers of Yellowfin, Bluefin, and Big Eye Tuna showing up.
The ‘Osprey’ came back with 3 Bluefins, 3 Big Eye’s. and 5 Yellowfin, the ‘My Cin’ had 5 Yellowfin and 1 Bigeye, The Second Chance had 6 Yellowfin, The ‘Zipper’ had 4 Yellowfin, and to complete the D-Dock crew the ‘C-Boys’ had 5 Yellowfin, 3 Bluefin, and 2 Mahi (They also reported releasing 10 Yellowfin and 10 Bluefin). The ‘Grande Pez’ had 8 Yellowfin, just behind the “Dawg Haus’ who had 9
Yellowfin. All of these boats fished the Poor Mans.
On C-Dock, the ‘Marli’ returned with 6 Yellowfin and released 4, The ‘White Lightning’ returned with 2 Big Eye’s and 5 Yellowfin, and the ‘Reel Chaos’ crew returned with 2 Big Eye and 2 Yellowfin Tuna. All of our C-Dock crew fished the Poor Mans.
In other news, we learned today that the ‘Fish Whistle’ out of Indian River caught and released the first White Marlin. While that is very exciting news to report- they did not fish out of Ocean City’s inlet, which means $11,000 is still up for grabs! Local businesses (Sunset Marina, OCFC, and Atlantic Tackle included) teamed up to donate $6,000 on top of the $5,000 that the Town of OC awards to the first White Marlin out of the Ocean City inlet. So, a whopping $11,000 is still up for grabs!