Sunset Marina Ocean City, MD Logo

July 7, 2015

Today on the docks consisted of oil changes, rigging and spooling reels, all in preparation for the Ocean City Tuna Tournament this upcoming weekend.  We did have some boats take advantage of this beautiful day and go fishing!  All returning from the Massey’s were “Osprey” with 2 Bluefin and 2 dolphin in the box,  “Reel Chaos” had 2 Bluefin and 3 dolphin, “Absolute Pleasure” caught 1 Bluefin and 6 dolphin,  “Fin Razr” came back with 1 yellowfin and 3 dolphin.  Venturing to the Hotdog was “Marli” mixing it up with 5 yellowfin (releasing 12) 2 dolphin, 2 Bluefin and 1 white marlin release!  “Boss Hogg” also had a great day in the Hotdog with 4 dolphin, 7 yellowfin (releasing 30) and 2 white marlin releases!  “Poore Sport” went out to the Washington looking for some marlins and were rewarded with releasing 1 white and 1 blue.

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