It was an amazing day here at the marina with a record number of boats that headed out to see what they could find. The Washington Canyon was the most popular fishing grounds of choice for today. The crew of the “Cabana” were the first to arrive back at the marina and caught 6 yellowfin and 1 dolphin. The “Double J” was the next to return with 2 dolphin behind them was the “Lucky Duck II” with 1 dolphin and finally the “Fish On” with 4 dolphin. The “Reel Chaos” had their box full with 3 dolphin and 2 yellowfin while the “Marli” was able to catch 5 yellowfin and 2 dolphin. Our last boat to return from the Washington Canyon was the “Roll Groove” with 11 yellowfin and 2 dolphin. We also had a few boats head out a little further to the Norfolk Canyon today. The “Max Bet” returned with 12 yellowfin and 3 dolphin. Fishing alongside them was the crew of the “Buckshot” who caught 2 dolphin, 2 yellowfin, and also released a white marlin. Our last boat to return from the Norfolk was the crew of the “C-Boys” who caught 2 yellowfin tuna. It was a great way to wrap up the exciting weekend of fishing here at the docks!