TUNA’S, TUNA’S, TUNA’S! If you stopped by the docks today it would have been impossible to miss with well over 190 Tuna’s being brought back to the dock. This report only covers C and D dock boats with a few additional reporting in, which means there are plenty more Tuna’s that could be added to that number.
Fishing the Baltimore was the Marli, Osprey, Espadon, and Pumpin Hard, who all limited out on Tuna’s for the day (Marli: 18 Yellowfin and releasing several more, Osprey: 18 and 6 Dolphin; Espadon: 12 Yellowfin, 1 Bluefin, and 1 White Release; and Pumpin Hard with 17 Yellowfin and 1 Dolphin). The Tighten Up and Grande Pez fished the Washington with another great day of fishing (Tighten Up: 12 Yellowfin, 1 Dolphin, 1 Tiger Shark, and 1 White Release; Grande Pez: 18 Yellowfin, 5 Dolphin). The Poorman’s was another hot spot for the day, with the C-Boys (22 Yellowfin), Boss Hogg (18 Yellowfin and 3 Dolphin), White Lightning (11 Yellowfin), Fish Tricks (18 Yellowfin, caught 25 total), and the Reel Chaos (10 Yellowfin and 3 Dolphin) all maxing out on Tuna’s for the day. Fishing the 800 fathom line was the “Three J’s”, who returned with 10 Yellowfin and 1 Dolphin.
That’s one heck of a report for a Friday, leaving the fleet itching to fish first thing tomorrow morning. Check in with us tomorrow for the latest!