It’s July 1st already?! This summer seems to be flying by and the fishing doesn’t seem to be slowing down! Venturing out to the Lumpy Bottom today was Captain Joey and crew on the ‘Osprey’ who returned back to the dock first with a 105 lb bluefin, while also releasing 4 more bluefin. Heading to the Norfolk today was the ‘Boss Hogg’ catching an impressive 10 yellowfin and 3 dolphin (1 weighing an impressive 31 lbs!). They were joined by the ‘Double J’ who returned with 1 white release and 1 dolphin. Heading South to the Norfolk was Captain Mark Hoos and crew on the ‘Marli’ who returned with 1 yellowfin and 1 blue marlin release. The ‘Reel Chaos’ ventured to the Baltimore and returned with 1 bluefin.