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June 27, 2015

Posted 10 years ago

We had a couple brave charter boats venture out  to the Hotdog today and were rewarded despite rough seas.  “Reel Chaos” came back to the docks with 2 yellowfin tuna and 1 dolphin,  “Marli”  kept his charter busy catching 6 yellowfin (releasing 10) 4 dolphin and 1 white marlin release!

June 26, 2015

Posted 10 years ago

With the weather not looking too good for the weekend we had a couple boats manage to sneak out a trip today.  “Osprey” returned with 7 yellowfin tuna while releasing 6 more,  “Espadon” managed to come home with 3 yellowfin and 5 dolphin,  “Reel Chaos” hit the docks with 3 yellowfin and 1 dolphin,  “Marli” returned with 8 yellowfin while releasing 9 more and 1 dolphin,  “Boss Hogg” came back with 4 yellowfin and 4 dolphin in the box while releasing lots of smaller yellowfin.

June 25, 2015

Posted 10 years ago

Thrilling Thursday at beautiful Sunset Marina! Grande Pez returned from the hotdog with 1 bluefin, 1 yellowfin, 2 dolphin, and a white release! Odinspear came back with 3 yellowfin and 1 dolphin, Osprey returned with 2 Mahi from the hotdog, Boss Hogg came home from the poormans with 40 dolphin, 15 sea bass, and 15 tilefish, Reel Toy joined in with 2 white releases and 2 dolphin, Marli came home with 1 yellowfin and 2 dolphin, Second Chance returned from the hotdog with 6 Mahi and 1 yellowfin, and White Lightning came back from the poormans with 1 bluefin, 2 yellowfin, and 2 dolphin! ‪

June 24, 2015

Posted 10 years ago

Our boats fishing today stayed a little more inshore looking to pick up their limit of yellowfin along with some bluefins.  Fishing at the Teacup “Osprey” with Capt. Joe Drosey hit the docks with 3 yellowfin, 2 bluefin, and 2 dolphin,  “Marli”  had a great trip bringing home 9 yellowfin and 1 Bluefin!  “Daug Haus”  was full of smiles after coming home with 10 yellowfin and 1 dolphin in the box!  Fishing at the Hot Dog “Boss Hogg”  had a happy charter returning back to the marina with 12 yellowfin.  We also had “G-Force” fish out in the Hambone and was rewarded with 3 dolphin and 4 yellowfin.

June 23, 2015

Posted 10 years ago

Our charter boats did not disappoint today bringing home happy anglers!  “Espadon” returned with a great catch of 49 dolphin while trolling and bailing the polyballs out in the Poormans Canyon.  The quality of fish was outstanding with Capt. Sylvain able to get his charter over 450 lbs of mahi filets!!  “Marli”  with Capt. Mark Hoos did what he does best and searched for tunas and was rewarded with a great catch of 8 yellowfins, 2 bluefins (released 9 more) and 2 dolphin!

All of our charter boats do an outstanding job of making your trip worth every penny, so if you want to book a fishing trip of a lifetime now is the time!  Call the Marina Office today at 410-213-9600 to book with Ocean City’s Premier Charter Fleet!

June 22, 2015

Posted 10 years ago

We only had a couple boats venture out fishing today but they all had successful trips!  “Espadon” with Capt. Sylvain Cote racked up some meat for his charter returning with 60 dolphin and 1 yellowfin at the Rockpile,  “Marli” with Capt Mark Hoos saw some action hitting the docks with 2 yellowfin and 10 dolphin in the Poormans,  “Grande Pez” returned with 1 yellowfin and 5 dolphin.

June 20, 2015

Posted 10 years ago

Lots of action going on around the marina with weigh-ins occurring simultaneously for both the Ocean City Marlin Club small boat tournament and the MSSA Tunament.  Captains reported numerous boats out in the canyons spreading the fish out but still another solid day for our guys who headed out.  “Osprey” was first back with 3 yellowfins and 1 dolphin,  “Zipper” returned with the same catch of 3 yellowfins and 1 dolphin,  “G-Force”  had a nice day catching 3 yellowfins and 4 dolphin,  “Odinspear” returned to the docks with 3 dolphin and 1 yellowfin, “Marli” caught 3 yellowfins and 2 dolphin, “White Lightning” got their charter on the meat with 4 yellowfins and 1 dolphin, “Espadon” returned with 2 yellowfins and 2 dolphin, “Reel Chaos” mixed it up and had 2 white marlin releases, 2 yellowfins and 5 dolphin, “Rehab” caught 1 yellowfin and 2 dolphin,  “Brenda Lou” kept the rod bent with 12 dolphin and 1 white marlin release!  “Pumpin Hard” hit the docks with 10 dolphin and 2 yellowfins,  “Boss Hogg” did a little bit of everything returning with 7 yellowfins, 35 sea bass, 29 tilefish and 1 dolphin,  “Fish Tricks” got on some fish with 5 dolphin and 1 yellowfin.

All this tuna action is sure making it exciting for the upcoming Ocean City Tuna Tournament, which is only a couple of weeks away!!  We are also seeing multiple boats with marlin flags flying so we are hoping for this exciting fishing season to continue!

June 19, 2015

Posted 10 years ago

Anglers playing hooky on this Friday sure reaped the benefits today!! Just ask the crew of the “Marli” who returned with 20 beautiful yellowfin! Fishing with them in the Poormans “White Lightning” racked up 12 yellowfin and 5 dolphin, “Pumpin Hard 58” returned with 6 yellowfin, 6 dolphin, and 1 White Marlin release! Fishing in the Rockpile “Osprey” had 2 White Marlin and 1 Blue release along with 10 dolphin, “Tighten Up” returned with 11 yellowfin and 6 dolphin. Traveling to the Washington “Reel Chaos” came back with 8 yellowfin and 2 dolphin. Such a great day of fishing out of here at Sunset Marina!

June 18, 2015

Posted 10 years ago

Busy day on the docks tonight with lots of friendly traveling boats coming in to stay with us through the weekend!   There was also a lot of fish action for those boats that went offshore today!  “Marli” and “Tighten Up” both returned from the Baltimore Canyon with 17 dolphin each.  “Fish On” had an exciting day in the Washington returning with 4 yellowfin, 4 dolphin, and 1 white marlin release.  “Reel Toy” also fished the Washington and had 1 white marlin release and 3 dolphin.  The  “Second Chance” was also lucky fishing the Washington with 1 white marlin release, 3 yellowfin, and 4 dolphin.  Boss Hogg also fishing the Washington had 13 Dolphin, 2 yellowfins, and 1 White marlin release.  Fishing is getting hot!  Don’t forget to stop by Sunset Marina this weekend to watch the weigh-ins for the Marlin Club Small Boat tournament!

June 17, 2015

Posted 10 years ago

Not many boats out fishing today but the ones who did returned happy. Osprey returned with 3 yellowfin, 6 dolphin, and 1 white release from the poor mans, White Lightning came home with 20 dolphin from the Baltimore, Marli came back with 1 yellowfin, 1 dolphin, and 1 white release.  This weekend Sunset Marina is hosting the 26th Annual MSSA Tunament (weigh-ins to be held at Atlantic Tackle) and also the 36th annual Ocean City Marlin Club Small Boat Tournament (weigh-ins held in front of Sunset Grille) so be sure to stop by Sunset Marina and see all the excitement happening at the docks!

June 16, 2015

Posted 10 years ago

We only had a couple of our charter boats head out today but they sure kept the rods bent!  Both fishing at the Baltimore, “Marli” with Capt. Mark hit the docks with 3 yellowfin and 3 dolphin,  “White Lightning” with Capt. Luke returned with 4 yellowfin and 3 dolphin.

With Father’s Day right around the corner, a fishing trip of a lifetime would be the perfect gift!  Don’t miss out on the action call the marina office at 410-213-9600 to book a charter with one of the premier charter fleets in Ocean City!

June 15, 2015

Posted 10 years ago

Well it was another fine day offshore! “Osprey” returned from the Baltimore with 7 yellowfin, 5 dolphin and 1 white release. “White Lightning” came back with 2 dolphin, 8 yellowfin, and 1 white marlin release. “Marli”came home with 1 yellowfin and 2 dolphin and “Boss Hogg” came back with 14 dolphin, 1 yellowfin, and 1 white release.  Cure your case of the Mondays by calling the marina office at 410-213-9600 to book your trip of a lifetime!