Daily Report
July 27, 2015
Posted 9 years agoGreat charter fishing today with nice catches of marlin and dolphin as they returned back to the dock! The Poormans seemed to be the idle spot with the following boats fishing their today. “Osprey” hit the docks with 3 dolphin, “Tighten Up” with Capt. Jason had a great day releasing 4 white marlin along with bringing home 5 dolphin! “Boss Hogg” was right behind them with 3 white marlin releases, 20 tilefish and 11 sea bass, “Grande Pez” also had a successful trip releasing 3 white marlin and bringing home 15 nice dolphin! “Fish On” ventured to the Norfolk and came home with 35 dolphin in the box along with 2 white marlin releases.
Today marks 1 week until the White Marlin Open begins so our boats should be rigging and fine tuning their rods and reels so things are perfect next week! Our tournament boats are slowly starting to arrive so come on by and check them out!
July 26, 2015
Posted 9 years agoAnother exciting day on the docks with a mix of boats returning from various locations out on the ocean! The Poormans seemed to be the most popular spot today. Viva la Vida returned to the dock with 2 Wahoo and 3 dolphin. The “My Cin” released a blue marlin and had 4 nice dolphin. The “Poore Sport” released both a white and blue marlin. The “Legasea” had 2 white releases and the “Griffin” who were fishing just south of the Poormans had a white release. Fishing in the Norfolk today were the “Pumpin Hard” and the “Billfisher.” The “Pumpin Hard” was on an overnight trip and had a 106 lb yellowfin, one 277 lb bigeye, and also a white release. The “Billfisher” had 2 white releases. The “Blood Money” was fishing in the Baltimore canyon and had 2 white releases. Fishing along with them in the Baltimore was the “Osprey” who had a white release and also the “Marli” returning with 20 tilefish, 1 yellowfin, and 2 Mackerel. The “Reel Chaos” came home from the Washington Canyon today with 15 tile fish, 12 dolphin, 17 seabass, and 1 white release. Last but not least we had the “Boss Hogg” who returned from the Rockpile with 18 dolphin one weighing 41 lbs, 1 white marlin release, 2 yellowfin weighing 81 and 89 lbs, 49 tilefish, and 36 seabass! Great job to all of our boats today and good luck to all of the anglers in the Big Fish Classic as the final results are still to be determined!
July 25, 2015
Posted 9 years agoAnticipation was awaiting on the docks for all of our boats who fished overnight for the Big Fish Classic. The sleepy eyed Captains returned with some nice catches but no fish eligible for the weigh ins. Coming back from their overnight trips were “Odinspear” who released 4 white marlin and 1 blue marlin, “Absolute Pleasure” who released 2 blue marlin and 1 white marlin, both fishing in the Baltimore. “Buckshot” came back to the docks with 10 dolphin in the Washington. Having a normal charter was the “Marli” who picked up a nice catch of 24 blue line tilefish along with a nice 50lb yellowfin in the Baltimore. Boats who went to the Poorman’s marlin fishing had great success as well with the “Susan’s Deal” releasing a blue marlin, “Brenda Lou” releasing 3 white marlin, “Billfisher” releasing 2 white marlin along with catching 3 dolphin, “Fish On” racked them up again releasing 4 white marlin! Traveling up to the Wilmington was the “Reel Chaos” who had a nice day releasing 1 white marlin and catching 3 dolphin, “Boss Hogg” had a busy day reeling in 38 sea bass, 56 blue line tilefish and released 30 yellowfin in the Washington!
July 24, 2015
Posted 9 years agoThe white marlin bite was on today with boats getting multiple releases! Most of our boats ventured back to the Baltimore where most of the action has been going on lately. “Billfisher” released 4 white marlin and caught 9 dolphin! “Poore Sport” caught a yellowfin, “Tighten Up” released 2 white marlin and 1 blue marlin, “Viva La Vida” released 2 white marlin, “Legasea” had a great day releasing 3 white marlin! The hot hand of the day was the “Fish On” who went to the Poormans who released 7 white marlin and 1 blue marlin! Deep dropping in the Poormans was the “Boss Hogg” who returned with 56 tilefish, 37 sea bass, 5 dolphin. In the Massey’s, “Marli” had a good chunking trip returning with 2 yellowfin and 17 bluefish.
With many of our boats staying overnight fishing the Big Fish Classic we should see a lot of action tomorrow as they return from their trips. It looked like the marlin bite was down in the Poormans with a couple boats who fished it had close to 15 bites a piece, so we should see some big fish and flags flying tomorrow afternoon!
July 23, 2015
Posted 9 years agoOur charter boats sure didn’t disappoint their customers today, with another incredible fishing day! The Baltimore has continued to be the hot spot for marlin and nice gaffer dolphin with the following boats fishing their today. “White Lightning” had a great trip releasing 2 white marlin and catching 12 dolphin, “Buckshot” with Capt. Gary Stamm got his charter some meat bringing home 7 dolphin in the box, “Tighten Up” released 2 white marlin and caught a nice yellowfin, “Boss Hogg” had their regular mix of fish catching 4 dolphin, 30 sea bass and 30 tilefish, “Billfisher” with Capt. Jon Duffie continued their hot streak releasing 5 white marlin and catching 4 dolphin! “Fin Razr” was able to pick up 2 20lb+ dolphin out there in the canyon. Staying a little inshore was the “Marli” racking up 5 yellowfin tuna on the chunk while releasing several more. Boats looking for good chunking bait should stop into Sunset Provisions where they have large spot in the tanks.
There was tons of rigging action all around the docks today with some boats gearing up for the 2nd annual Big Fish Classic hosted at Talbot Street Pier. This looks to be a great tournament with a simple rule, the biggest fish wins! Tomorrow and throughout the weekend looks like incredible weather so if you are in town you should stop by and check out the catches of the day and stay tuned for tomorrows report!
July 22, 2015
Posted 9 years agoNot many boats went out today but the ones who did had success! The “Marli” had a great day fishing in the Masseys Canyon and returned with 8 yellowfin and 3 dolphin. The “Viva la Vida” went marlin fishing in the Baltimore and released 3 White Marlin.
While not many boats fished today the marina was still buzzing with activity as more of our tournament boats continue to come in for the season! The docks were full and the crews were busy outfitting their boats and slips for the next few weeks of tournament fishing. Lots of boats were fueling up today and it appears that tomorrow should be a good day out on the water! Hopefully we get some good reports as this weekend marks the 2nd Annual Big Fish Classic tournament out of Talbot Street Pier!
July 21, 2015
Posted 9 years agoWe didn’t have many boats go out fishing today but the ones who did continued to have great success. “Osprey” went chunking in the Massey’s and came home with 5 yellowfin in the box while releasing 10 others, “Pumpin Hard” continued with the great marlin bite in the Baltimore releasing 4 white marlin and 1 blue marlin! Brenda Lou had a great trip releasing 2 white marlin. “Marli” was staying out a little later tonight to try for the late tuna bite, so stay tuned for tomorrows report to see what their catch was!
July 20, 2015
Posted 9 years agoFishing was almost as hot as the weather here today with boats having great success offshore! Fishing in the Hambone today was the “My Cin” who picked up a nice catch of 10 yellowfin, “Osprey” went out to the Poormans and brought back 8 dolphin to the dock, “Reel Chaos” had a great catch of dolphin bringing home 15 in the box while fishing in the Washington! “Marli” did a little deep dropping and caught 8 nice golden tilefish also in the Washington. The marlin bite yet again was in the Baltimore with the following boats fishing there today, “Espadon” released 1 white marlin and caught a nice yellowfin tuna, “Billfisher” released 5 white marlin, “Pumpin Hard” released 3 white marlin and caught 2 yellowfin, “No Quarter” brought back a nice 38lb bull dolphin!
With the tuna bite being a little slow recently our boats are still able to weed through and pick up nice 50lb class fish. Deep dropping for tilefish has also been great with them being excellent to eat and easy to fish for! The amount of gaffer dolphin we are seeing brought in is unbelievable with a lot of boats bringing in nice dolphin 25lbs plus! There are many species out there to fish for right now and have huge success, so if are thinking of booking a charter now is the time! Call the marina office today at 410-213-9600 for a trip of a lifetime!
July 19, 2015
Posted 9 years agoThere was excellent fishing all around out of the marina today! Many of our boats were out marlin fishing and they had great success most going back out to the Baltimore. “Buckshot” released 4 white marlin, “Sea Slammer” released 4 white marlin, caught 2 yellowfin and 8 dolphin! “Reel Chaos” released 1 white marlin and caught 2 dolphin, “Second Chance” caught 13 dolphin with the largest weighing at 35lbs, “Grande Pez” released 4 white marlin, “Poore Sport” released 3 white marlin and 2 blue marlin! Boats venturing down to the Washington looking for tuna were the “Marli” who caught 3 golden tilefish, 4 dolphin and 1 yellowfin, “Boss Hogg” hit the docks with 40 tilefish, 10 dolphin, 2 yellowfin and 32 seabass! “No Quarter released 1 white marlin and caught 2 yellowfin and 3 dolphin. “Fish On” ventured a little farther south to the Norfolk and had a great day releasing 6 white marlin and 1 blue marlin! “Osprey” went to the Poormans and released 2 white marlin and caught 6 dolphin, “Fin Razr” did a little inshore trip and caught 15 flounder, 8 seabass and caught and released 6 sharks.
July 18, 2015
Posted 9 years agoThere was a lot of action happening around the docks today with us seeing young happy anglers coming back with their catches. With the Ocean City Marlin Clubs Kid Classic starting today we saw a mix of inshore fishing with seabass and tilefish and offshore fishing with tuna and marlin. As it was yesterday, most of the marlin action was in the Baltimore with the yellowfin tuna bite down in the Washington. We had the following boats fish in the Baltimore today, “Osprey” returned with 4 white marlin releases, “Zipper” returned with 1 yellowfin and 1 dolphin, “DA Sea” released 1 blue marlin and caught 20 tilefish and 10 mahi! “Fish On” released 2 white marlin and caught 2 yellowfin, “Billfisher” released 1 white and 1 blue marlin along with 1 dolphin, “Reel Joy” released 2 white marlin as well as the “Absolute Pleasure”, “Sea Hunt” caught 3 dolphin and 1 wahoo. Tuna fishing in the Washington was the “Fish Tricks” with 2 yellowfin and 1 dolphin, “Marli” did a little deep dropping action and brought back 18 golden tilefish and 1 yellowfin, “White Lightning” was chunking and picked up 3 nice yellowfin along with a bigeye! In the Poormans, “Buckshot” came back with 2 dolphin, 23 tilefish and 9 seabass, “No Quarter” brought back 2 yellowfin and 6 dolphin at the Rockpile. Traveling up top the Wilmington was the “My Cin” who had a mix of 2 yellowfin, 1 dolphin, 1 wahoo and 1 swordfish!
It looks like boats are starting to resort to chunking and using the greenstick for tuna but like yesterday they were a nice class of fish with some weighing into the 60lb range! Fishing is great right now so get the rods ready or call the marina office today at 410-213-9600 to let us fix you up with a charter!
July 17, 2015
Posted 9 years agoAfter a blowout yesterday the fish were certainly biting on this beautiful Friday! We finally saw a nice class of yellowfin ‘s again in the 40-50lb range with boats who ventured down in the Washington. We saw a lot of chunks taken out of some fish from the sharks looking for a quick meal so they are an inconvenience to deal with once some fish are hooked. “Marli” was able to pick up 3 nice yellowfins along with “Reel Chaos” who caught 4 yellowfin and 3 dolphin. “Boss Hogg” also fought off the sharks but was able to come home with 3 yellowfin, 2 dolphin, 10 tilefish and 30 seabass. The hot spot for marlin today was the Baltimore with boats having multiple releases while seeing a decent amount of fish. “Osprey” released 1 blue marlin while seeing 2 others and caught 5 dolphin, “Griffin” racked up 4 white marlin while catching 3 dolphin, “Billfisher” had a great day with 3 white marlin releases, “Lights Out” had the hot hand today releasing 5 white marlins! “White Lightening” also returned with having an awesome day releasing 2 white marlin, 1 blue marlin and 14 nice gaffer dolphin! “No Quarter” stayed a little more inshore and picked up 2 yellowfin while “Grande Pez” went up to the Wilmington and caught 1 dolphin and released a white marlin.
Lots of boats are gearing up for tomorrow with the Ocean City Marlin Club’s Kids tournament happening this weekend. It is a great event, putting smiles on a lot of young anglers faces! Stop on by the marina this weekend to see what the crews bring back and see all the happy anglers!
July 14, 2015
Posted 9 years agoWe only had a couple boats go fishing today but they returned with happy charters! “White Lightning” returned from an overnight trip in the Washington with a 220lb bigeye, 4 dolphin and 1 white marlin release! “Marli” ventured to the Washington and released 8 yellowfin and caught 4 dolphin, “Osprey” ran to the Hotdog and picked up 2 Bluefin (releasing 1) and 1 dolphin.