Sunset Marina Ocean City, MD Logo

August 26, 2018

We had a great day here at the marina finishing off the final Sunday in August on a great note.  We had lots of boats venture out today and even though they had a bumpy ride home, no one returned disappointed!!! The first boat to return flying a rigger full of flags was the ‘Osprey’, releasing 7 white marlin that they caught in the Wilmington Canyon.  The hot spot of the day however was the Baltimore Canyon with  the majority of the fleet returning from here.  The crew of the ‘Marli’ released 3 whites and then we had the crew of the ‘Fish On’ who released 2 white marlin.  Next up was the ‘Bar South’ returning with 8 white releases and a dolphin and behind them was the ‘Espadon’ returning with 4 white releases.  The ‘No Quarter’ had 4 white releases while the ‘Tighten Up’ had 8 white releases.  Finally the crew of the ‘Grande Pez’ returned from the Poor Man’s Canyon with 4 white releases and a blue marlin release.  As you can see fishing isn’t slowing down so don’t hesitate to call and book your next fishing trip!!!

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