Well with the wind finally letting up a few of our boats finally made it out today and had a great day! The Washington was the hot spot of the day! “No Quarter” returned with 4 dolphin and a yellowfin. The “My Cin” had a blue marlin release, a 145 lb Bigeye tuna, 10 dolphin, and 3 yellowfin. The “Marli” brought 6 yellowfin back to the dock and also had a white marlin release, while both the “Odinspear” and the “Legasea” had 2 white releases each. The “Karma” and the “Fish On” went to the Poormans today. “Fish On” had 6 white releases and 19 dolphin and the “Karma” had 4 white releases. Finally the “Bar South” fished alone in the Baltimore canyon and had 8 white releases. Fishing is really heating up just in time for the 22nd Annual Capt. Steve Harman’s Poor Girls Open! A lot of boats got fuel and ice today in anticipation so stayed tuned for tomorrow’s fishing report!