Sunset Marina Ocean City, MD Logo

June 11, 2021

With the drop in temperatures and the fog rolling in today it seemed like it would be a gloomy day.  The arrival of the yellowfin bite however kept it very exciting here at the docks!  All of our boats chose to fish in the rockpile today.  The first boat back to the dock was the ‘Osprey’ returning with 3 yellowfin in the box.  Next we had the crew of the ‘Marli’ return with 18 yellowfin and a dolphin.  The crew on the ‘Pumpin Hard’ rolled in with 2 nice big eye tuna and 8 yellowfin.  The ‘Theresa Jean’ returned with 7 yellowfin and some dolphin.  Finally our only boat fishing in the Baltimore today was the crew of the ‘Boss Hogg’ returning with 9 yellowfin.  Looks like the weather might be keeping them at the docks  tomorrow but we will keep you posted!

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