Dare we say the September bite is upon us?! The fleet was a little more spread out today then they have been the past few days. Heading out to the Baltimore Canyon on their own was the ‘Marli’ catching 35 dolphin. Venturing out to the Wilmington Canyon was the ‘Whiskey Kilo’ returning with 40 dolphin and releasing 1 white marlin, the ‘Reel Chaos’ releasing 8 white marlin and catching 1 dolphin, the ‘Sea Hag’ releasing 7 white marlin and catching 3 dolphin and lastly the ‘Voodoo Child’ with an impressive day releasing 10 white marlin. Heading to the Poormans Canyon was the ‘C-Boys’ catching 3 dolphin and releasing 3 white marlin, the ‘Grande Pez’ catching 2 dolphin and releasing 2 white marlin, and lastly the ‘Fish On’ catching 3 dolphin and releasing 5 white marlin.
The weather looks great for tomorrow, as we expect a lot of crews to go after this fantastic white marlin bite. Stay tuned!