Sunset Marina Ocean City, MD Logo

June 23rd, 2017

Rough seas didn’t hold back the crew today- and for a good reason! With the tuna bite being so good, plenty of anglers fought the rough seas to get in on the bite!

The ‘No Quarter’ fished the Poor Mans, returning with 2 Yellowfin and 1 Dolphin. They fished near the ‘Espadon’, who had 5 Yellowfin, also from the Poor Mans.

The ‘Marli’ had 5 Yellowfin and 1 Bluefin. ‘Reel Chaos’ had 2 Yellowfins, matching the catch from the ‘C-Boys’ crew. The ‘Boss Hogg’ had 1 Yellowfin and 1 Bluefin. All of these boats reported to be fishing in the Baltimore.

Straying from the group was the ‘Osprey’, who released 4 Yellowfin and 1 Bluefin, and returned with a 100 lb Bluefin!

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