Sunset Marina Ocean City, MD Logo

June 27, 2016

The Poor Man’s was the hot spot today, with several boats bringing back Bluefin, Dolphin, and even some marlin releases! The ‘Rhonda’s Osprey’ reported to release a 500+ pound Blue Marlin and even brought back 5 Yellowfin to the docks. The ‘Odinspear’, who also fished the Poor Man’s, caught 3 Yellowfin, 2 Dolphin, and Released a Blue Marlin and a White Marlin. In addition, the Espadon returned with 6 Yellowfin, 1 Dolphin, and 2 White Releases from the Baltimore.

Mixing things up, the ‘Boss Hogg’ brought back 33 Tilefish, 14 Seabass, 3 Yellowfin, and released a White Marlin from the Rock Pile.

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