Sunset Marina Ocean City, MD Logo

September 25, 2019

We had a number of boats head out on this beautiful September day and return with great success!  The “Marli” was the first to return from the Baltimore Canyon with their box full, catching 40 mahi, 1 yellowfin, and also 2 whites (one released and one harvested).  Fishing alongside them was the “Pumpin Hard” catching 9 dolphin, 1 yellowfin, and releasing 3 white marlin.  The crew of the “Cabana” fished in the Washington and returned with  1 big eye, 2 yellowfin, 1 swordfish, and 30 dolphin.  Returning from the Wilmington was the “Half full” with 4 white releases and 25 dolphin as well as the “Brenda Lou” who released 2 white marlin.  Finally we had the crew of the “DA Sea” with 4 yellowfin and a whopping 14 white marlin releases.  The bite is really heating up and many of the fleet look to be taking advantage of it tomorrow so stay tuned!

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