It was a gorgeous day here at Sunset Marina, as well as offshore, allowing a few of our charter boats to sneak away into the deep. The hot spot today seemed to be the Wilmington Canyon, producing a plethora of yellowfin and dolphin. The Boss Hogg returned back to the dock ahead of the fleet with an impressive 16 yellowfin and 10 dolphin. The Reel Chaos with 6 yellowfin and 8 dolphin and the Marli with 9 yellowfin and 6 dolphin. Venturing away from the fleet was the Espadon, heading out to the Jackspot . There they were able to catch 3 yellowfin, 2 dolphin, and 1 white marlin release. With the tremendous weather rolling in and the Ocean City Marlin Club’s Canyon Kick Off tournament this weekend you can expect the fish to be biting and the docks to be busy!!