The yellowfin have officially arrived.. and in full force! With the weather finally cooperating 80+ boats ventured out of the marina today.. and they sure made the most of it! Venturing alone to the Poorman’s Canyon today was the “Double J” who returned back to the dock with 13 yellowfin. The Washington and Norfolk Canyon’s seemed like the place to be today with most of our boats heading south in that direction. Heading to the Washington Canyon was the “Lucky Duck” catching 6 yellowfin, the “Gret’s Three J’s” catching 15 yellowfin, the “Whiskey Kilo” catching 10 yellowfin, 1 dolphin, and releasing 1 white marlin, the “Primary Search” catching 13 yellowfin, 2 dolphin, and 15 mako sharks, the “Blood Money” catching 21 yellowfin, 2 dolphin, and releasing 1 white marlin, the “Quickdraw” catching 12 yellowfin, the “Southern C’s” catching 9 yellowfin and 2 dolphin, the “Marli” catching 12 yellowfin while releasing 10 more, the “White Lightning” catching 4 yellowfin and 2 dolphin, the “Pumpin Hard” catching 8 yellowfin, 2 dolphin, and releasing 1 blue marlin and finally the “Zipper” catching 4 yellowfin and 3 dolphin. Close by in Norfolk Canyon was the “Rippin Lips” catching 18 yellowfin while releasing 15 more, the “Fish On” catching 15 yellowfin and 2 dolphin, the “Reel Chaos” with an impressive 27 yellowfin and releasing 1 white marlin, the “Osprey” catching 18 yellowfin and 2 dolphin, and lastly the “Roncito” who returned with 11 yellowfin and 3 dolphin. It sure was a busy day down on the docks, but we love seeing such a positive outcome for the fleet and their crews.