Sunset Marina Ocean City, MD Logo

June 13, 2018

With the sun and the heat returning once again today, so did the action back at the docks!  Early in the day the news spread that the crew of the ‘Stalker’ out of the Ocean City Fishing Center released the first White Marlin of the season.  Congrats to Captain Steve Moore and crew on your outstanding day!  The ‘Osprey’ was the first boat back to the dock returning with 12 yellowfin tuna, and 3 bluefin tuna.  Next back to the dock was the ‘Boss Hogg’ bringing back a whopping 17 yellowfin tuna.  Finally we had the ‘Marli’  return throwing a mixture of 6 yellowfin tuna, and 3 bluefin tuna on the dock.  The fishing action continues to heat up so make sure to call the marina office at 410-213-9600 to book your next trip!

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