Sunset Marina Ocean City, MD Logo

June 12,2018

It was an extremely busy day down on the docks with several boats arriving for the upcoming 31st Annual Tuna Tournament, as well as several of our charter boats venturing out to find just exactly where the tuna are located! Fishing in the Washington Canyon today was the “No Quarter” catching 5 yellowfin and 10 dolphin, as well as the “C Boys” who caught 5 yellowfin and released 2 white marlin. Venturing out to the Baltimore Canyon was the “Osprey” catching 7 yellowfin. The “Reel Choas” had a great day alone in the Hot Dog releasing 1 white marlin and 1 blue marlin. The “Boss Hogg” went to the Jackspot catching 8 yellowfin and releasing 1 white marlin. Lastly, the “Marli” had a fantastic day catching there limit of 18 yellowfin, 2 dolphin, and also released 1 blue marlin fishing in the Poor Mans Canyon.

The 31st Annual Ocean City Tuna Tournament kicks off tomorrow at the Ocean City Fishing Center! On Friday and Saturday, the weigh ins begin at 4 pm and are open until 8:30pm. On Sunday, the weigh ins begin at 4pm and end at 7pm. When it comes to weighing your stringer Sunset Marina is also an available weigh station, but is only available on Friday and Saturday night!! We look forward to seeing you down on the docks!

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