It was a weird weather day here at the docks with us having the regular charters go out to the canyons. Our boats have converted to both trolling and chunking and it seems you have to be at the right spot at the right time to really get on the fish. However, tuna fishing is still decent enough that you can still bring home some meat home for the freezer! Just ask the crew of the “White Lightning” who went to the Masseys and caught 1 Bluefin and then ran out to the Poormans and picked up 6 yellowfin! Fishing in the Washington was the “Marli” who brought home 3 yellowfin to the dock while the “Buckshot” caught 2 yellowfin and threw back over 20 undersized fish. The dolphin fishing from points down south seems to be picking up along with marlin fishing with us seeing two private boats one with 2 and the other with 3 releases!
Summer is flying by so don’t miss a chance to catch a fish of a lifetime! Call the marina office at 410-213-9600 or visit our charter directory on our website for more information on our fleet!