Things are sure ramping up around the marina and the boats out fishing sure brought August in with a bang! In the Baltimore, “Osprey” released 3 white marlin, “Fish Tricks” caught 9 dolphin, “Makara” had a rigger full releasing 10 white marlin! ” Right behind them was the “Max Bet” who got a grand slam with 3 white marlin, 2 sailfish and 1 blue marlin release! In the Poormans, “Marli” had a box full returning with 31 dolphin, “Buckshot” released 2 white marlin and caught 1 dolphin. We also had a couple boats go down to the Washington and had some great days. “Grande Pez” released 4 white marlin, 1 blue marlin and caught a dolphin! “No Quarter” had two nice yellowfin along with a dolphin.
There will be a lot going on round the marina this coming week with it being jammed packed with beautiful custom boats so stop on by and see all the sights!