Sunset Marina Ocean City, MD Logo

Anglers, Are You #WMO Ready?

Rigging and icing baits, thousands of gallons of fuel, and spooling reels are just a few of the sights that you would see down any of the docks today as almost all of our boats prepare to fish the White Marlin Open. The action begins first thing tomorrow morning, with some boats leaving as early as 4:00am. We checked in with our friends over at the White Marlin Open, who were happy to report 382 boats registered for this year’s tournament and a record payout of $5.45 Million to distribute among the winners.

If you’re schedule is free tomorrow morning, we recommend making the trip to the Ocean City Inlet to watch the boats leave the bay- it’s truly a sight to see and a photo-perfect moment! And if you’re not a morning person, come on by Sunset Grille, grab a cold drink, and watch the boats roll in to prepare for the upcoming days.

As always, stay with us for the latest updates from what’s happening right here, and tune in to the White Marlin Open Live Feed to watch the weigh-in’s live from your phone or computer.

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